Dr. William Freije is dedicated to serving his fertility patients. He gets to know his patients and tailors treatment plans to their needs. Dr. Freiji is a recognized expert in his field, double board certified in reproductive endocrinology & infertility and in obstetrics & gynecology, and has almost 30 years of experience. In addition to being double board certified Dr. Freije holds a doctorate in genetics, which enables him to personally meet with patients for genetic counseling. He is passionate about epigenetics, studying how behavior and environment impact the presentation of genes.
Languages spoken: English (fluent), Spanish (fluent)
EFC in-house Lab Director Dr. Avisa Asemi, Ph.D., HCLD, is highly trained and experienced in all aspects of IVF laboratory operations and procedures. She brings a broad interdisciplinary understanding of reproductive medicine to our fertility center, as well as a deep appreciation for helping patients. She realized this at her first IVF lab job in Tehran helping Iran-Iraq War veterans with missing legs and spinal cord injuries have children.
Languages spoken: English (fluent), Farsi (fluent)
We celebrate each little miracle born with Envita’s help.
949-Mom-Baby (949-666-2229)
23521 Paseo de Valencia, Suite 115, Laguna Hills, CA 92653